Category: Anthropology

Important articles related to anthropology; You can use these articles as case studies or quote them as additional dimension in your answers. Very useful to give an edge to your answers

Anthropology and Public health: Article

Q. Anthropology and Public health. 10 Marks Q. Examine the role of Anthropology in Public health emergencies. 15 Marks Topic: Paper-1: Epidemiological anthropology; Health and disease;  For more case study and articles related to anthropology:...

Action Anthropology: UPSC Anthropology

Action anthropology is an approach used by anthropologists and other applied social scientists to help indigenous and underrepresented communities solve problems. Action anthropologists are generally motivated by concerns for social justice, though this is...

UPSC ANTHROPOLOGY Mains 2019 Question Paper – 2

SECTION “A” 1. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each a) Phylogenetic position and morphological features of Ramapithecus 10 b) Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal community 10...