1)Consider the following on “Zika” Virus
a) it is a tick-borne disease
b) it is a contagious disease
c) it causes headache, muscle and joint pain along with neurological and foetaldeformation known as Microcephaly
d) the virus was first identified in 1947, in Uganda and its name has been derived from Zika Forest.
Which of the above statements are correct?
A) a and b
B) b, c and d
C) c and d
D) None of the Above
2) Alphabet Inc. is the parent company of which of the following Company?
A) Apple
B) Yahoo Inc.
C) Facebook
D) Google
3) The theme for the World Wetland Day(WWD) celebrated on February 2nd is on
A) Wetlands for our future- Sustainable Livelihoods
B) Wetlands and Agriculture
C) Wetlands and Biodiversity
D) Wetlands and Sustainable Agriculture
4) Consider the following on Akash Missile
a) it is an indigenously built missile
b) it is an air-to-air missile
c) it is developed by DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme(IGMDP)
Which among the following statements are correct?
A.Only a
B. b and c
C. a and c
D. All the above
5) UDAY Scheme has been launched by which ministry?
A) Ministry of Power
B) Ministry of Finance
C) Ministry of Minority Affairs
D) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
6) Which Country is the World’s Largest Rice exporter?
A) China
B) Thailand
C) India
D) Vietnam
7) Corruption Perception Index is given by which of the following institution?
A) World Economic Forum
B) World Bank
C) Transparency International
D) Ford Foundation
8) World Economic Situation and Prospects Report is released by which institution?
B) World Economic Forum
C) Asian Development Bank
D) United Nations
9) Which among the South Asian Country tops the 2015 HDI (Human Development Index)?
A) India
B) Bhutan
C) Sri Lanka
D) Nepal
10) Consider the following satellite navigation system and the service providers
a) USA- Galileo
b) Europe- GPS
c) China- Beidou
d) Japan- Quasi Zenith
Identify which of the following are correctly matched
A. a, b and c
B. a, c and d
C. b and c
D. c and d
1. Option‘C’, Answer “c and d”
About Zika virus:
Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus transmitted by Aedesaegypti mosquitoes. It is close cousin of other other vector-borne diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever transmitted by Aedesmosquitoes . The virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda and its name has been derived from Zika Forest.
Transmission:Zika virus is not contagious but it is mainly transmitted by daytime-active Aedesaegypti mosquitoes after it bites someone infected with the virus and transmit it by biting another human.
Most common symptoms: Headache, muscle and joint pain, mild fever, rash, pinkeye and inflammation of the underside of the eyelid. It causes neurological disorders and foetal deformation known as Microcephaly in which infants are born with abnormally smaller heads that can cause brain damage.
Treatment and Prevention: There is no specific treatment or vaccine currently available. The best form of prevention is protection against mosquito bites and clearing stagnant water where mosquitoes breed.
2. Option ‘D’, Answer Google
Alphabet Inc: It came in existence in October 2015, after search engine giant Google had announced Alphabet as its parent company. It was formed as part of Google’s new organisational structure. The parent company encompasses all other earlier subsidiaries and products of Google under its umbrella.
Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google has overtaken Apple as the most valuable company in the world.
3. Option ‘A’, AnswerWetlands for our future- Sustainable Livelihoods
Every year World Wetland Day (WWD) is observed on 2 February. The theme for the world wetland day for year 2016 is “Wetlands for our Future – Sustainable Livelihoods”. It highlights the value of wetlands in securing local livelihoods through activities as rice farming, tourism, fishing and water provision. Significance of Day: This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands also called as Ramsar Convention on 2 February 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar. Each year on this day government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), and groups of citizens at all levels to raise public awareness of wetland values and their benefits. They also spread awareness about Ramsar Convention in particular for conservation of Wetlands.
Background For first time, WWD was celebrated in year 1997 and since then it is observed every year. The theme for the world wetland day 2014 was Wetlands and Agriculture.
4. Option ‘C’, Answer a and c
About Akash Missile: Akash (in English it means sky) is a mid-range surface-to-air missile (SAM). Indigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under the Integrated Guided-Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). The missile has supersonic speeds ranging from Mach 2.8 to 3.5. It has capability to carry warhead of 60 kg. It can engage aerial targets up to a range of approximately 25 kms. It is powered by Ramjet-rocket propulsion system (RRPS) which renders thrust for the missile to intercept the target at supersonic speed without any retardation. It is capable of neutralising aerial targets like cruise missiles, fighter jets and air-to-surface missiles. The missile was formally inducted into the IAF in July 2015. The first missile was delivered in March 2012 to the IAF
5. Option ‘A’, Answer Ministry of Power
About Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojna (UDAY): UDAY Scheme has been launched by Union Ministry of Power for financial restructuring of debt of power distribution companies. It aims for financial revival and turnaround of Power Distribution companies (DISCOMs) and also ensures a sustainable permanent solution to the problem. By becoming part of it, states power DISCOMs can convert their debt into state bonds as well as roll out number of measures to improve efficiency at power plants. It seeks to make DISCOMs financially and operationally healthy so they can supply adequate power at affordable rates and play important role in Union Government’s ambition of meeting target of 100% Village electrification and 24X7 Power For All.
6. Option ‘C’, Answer India
India has overtaken Thailand as the world’s largest rice exporter in the year 2015 by shipping (exporting) 10.23 million tonnes of rice. It was announced by the Bangkok based Thai Rice Exporters Association Chairman Charoen Laodhammatas. Key facts Thailand: The south-east Asian country ranked second on the list of the world’s largest rice exporting countries. It has exported 9.8 million tonnes of rice to the world market in year 2015 compared to 10.9 million tonnes in year 2014. Vietnam: It was ranked third largest rice exporter with 6.4 million tonnes. China: It has remained the number one importer country of rice in the year 2015
7. Option ‘C’, Answer Transparency International
India has been ranked 76th out of 168 countries in the recently released 2015 Corruption Perception Index (CPI). The 2015 CPI was the 21st edition of the annual index and was published by the Berlin-based corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI).
Key facts In this edition, India has scored 38 on a scale from 0 (most corrupt) to 100 (least corrupt). This score is same as 2014 edition indicating that country is showing lack of improvement. India has improved in its ranking compared to earlier position of 85 and 94 in 2014 and 2013, respectively.
Top 5 Countries: Denmark (score 91), Finland (score 90), Sweden (89 score), New Zealand, Netherlands (87 score) and Norway (87 score). Bottom 5 Countries: Angola (rank 163), South Sudan (rank 163), Sudan (rank 165), Afghanistan (rank 166), North Korea (rank 167) and Somalia (rank 167).
BRICS Countries: South Africa (rank 61), India (76), Brazil (rank 76), China (rank 83) and Russia (rank 119).
SAARC Countries: Bhutan (rank 27), India (rank 76), Sri Lanka (rank 83), Pakistan (rank 117), Nepal (rank 130) and Bangladesh (rank 139) and Afghanistan (rank 166).
Since 2012, the CPI methodology has been updated to provide for year-over-year precise comparisons. The watchdog uses data to compile the perceptions of the scale of public sector corruption from international institutions like World Bank, the African Development Bank and business school IMD etc.
8. Option ‘D’, Answer United Nations
As per recently released United Nations (UN) World Economic Situation and Prospects 2016 Report, India will be the fastest growing big economy in the world in 2016. The report has projected India’s growth rate by 7.3 % in the year 2016 and 7.5 % in 2017 slightly up from an earlier estimated 7.2 % rate in 2015. Report Highlights The highest growth rate in India has been attributed to improvement in the macroeconomic environment with the help of sharp decline in the prices of oil, food and metals. Even the investor and consumer confidence has risen even after Indian government facing difficulties in implementing its wide-ranging economic reform agenda. However, some of the economic indicators such as industrial production will remain volatile. In 2016 and 2017, South Asia region is expected to be the world’s fastest-growing region despite challenging global conditions. In the South Asia region, India’s economy will account for over 70 % of regions GDP.
9. Option ‘C’, Answer Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka has maintained its high ranking in 2015 human development index (HDI) in the South Asia Region. In the 2015 Global Human Development Report (HDR) released by UN Development Programme (UNDP) Sri Lanka was ranked 73rd with an HDI value of 0.757. Key facts Rankings of other seven South Asian Countries are Maldives (104), India (130), Bhutan (132), Bangladesh (142), Nepal (145), Pakistan (147) and Afghanistan (171). India and Bhutan fall under the medium human development countries category. While Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan fall under low human development countries category. In the 2014 report, Sri Lanka had occupied the 74th place. Since the end of the civil war in 2009, the island nation’s rank went up by five positions. 2015 HDR has determined the HDI values by assessing long-term progress of 188 countries and territories in three basic dimensions of human development viz. (i) Long and healthy life. (ii) Access to knowledge. (iii) Decent standard of living.
10. Option ‘D’, Answer c and d
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched India’s fifth navigation Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) 1E satellite. It was launched on board of PSLV-C31 rocket from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR), Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. Key facts The IRNSS-1E weighs 1425 kilogram and has the mission life of 12 years. It equipped with two types of payloads viz. navigation payload and ranging devices. The navigation payload will be operating in L5-band and S-band along with and highly accurate Rubidium atomic clock. It will be mainly used to transmit navigation service signals to the users. The ranging payload consists of a C-band transponder. It will facilitate accurate determination of the range of the satellite.
About Indian Regional Navigation Satellite system (IRNSS) IRNSS consists of constellation of seven satellites of which three are geostationary and four are non-geostationary. This satellite system aims to provide real-time data on the position of objects to aid road, air and maritime traffic. It will also provide mapping and tracking services. It would provide two types of services viz. Restricted Service (RS) which is an encrypted service provided to authorised users and Standard Positioning Service (SPS) to all users. IRNSS is similar to other satellite navigationservice providers like US GPS (Global Positioning System), Russia’s Glonass, Europe’s Galileo, Japan’s Quasi Zenith and China’s Beidou.