May 1, 2019
Syllabus: physical features of India
1. “These plains lie between Chota Nagpur Plateau on the west and Ganges Delta on the east. They are known for large mineral deposits. The Bhagirathi, Damodar, and Ajay rivers meander across the plains. The above description relates to which of the following plains?
A. Bhur Plains
B. Rarh plains
C. Betlands
D. Utkal Plains
Answer: B
Explanation:- Rarh region is an area in the Indian subcontinent that lies between the Chota Nagpur Plateau on the West and the Ganges Delta on the East.
It covers NE part of Peninsular plateau including Jharkhand, parts of Chhattisgarh & West Bengal. It is famous as Pat land plateau & known as ruhr of India due to large mineral deposits.
The Bhagirathi, Damodar, and Ajay rivers meander across the plains.
2. Duar formations are the features of which of the following?
A. Himachal and Uttarakhand Himalayas
B. Aravalli range
C. Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas
D. Kashmir Himalayas
Answer: C
Explanation:- Duars are flood plains formed in the Eastern Himalayan region. They are made up of loose sediments brought down by Himalayan rivers and deposited each season. Since they are fine sediments the streams more often than not shift course and spread the load over broad tracts.
3. Which of the following statements regarding the Northern plains of India is/are correct?
It was formed out of rifting in the Himalayas.
They are the youngest physiographic feature of India.
These plains are formed by alluvial deposits brought by the river systems of Indus and Ganga only.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 2 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer : C
Explanation:- The Northern Plains represent the youngest physiographic feature in India. They have been formed by the interplay of Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra river basins. They were formed due to infilling of the foredeep warped down between the advancing Peninsular Block and the Himalayas.
4. Consider the following statements about the Satpura Range:
It is a series of seven mountains that runs in an east-west direction.
They appear to have been affected by tectonic disturbances
Parts of the hills are folded and upheaved.
Which of the given statements is correct:
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 2 and 3
Answer: C
Explanation:- The Satpuras are a series of seven mountains running east -west south of the Vindhyas between the Narmada and Tapi Rivers. These hills appear to be affected by tectonic disturbances. There are evidences that parts of the Satpuras have been folded and upheaved. They are regarded as structural uplift or horst.
5. Consider the following statements regarding trans boundary rivers between India and Bangladesh:
River water sharing agreements have been signed for all rivers except Tista
Karnaphuli river rises in the Mizo hills and enters the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh.
Feni river originates in Tripura before entering Bangladesh.
Which of the given statements is correct?
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1,2 and 3
Answer : B
Explanation:- India and Bangladesh have 54 transboundary rivers and river water sharing agreement has only been signed for the Ganga. The 1996 Ganges Treaty (a thirty year comprehensive treaty) provides for the distribution of water from Farakka for the two countries between January 1 and May 31.
6. Consider the following statements about the Peninsular drainage system of India:
The Peninsular drainage consists of superimposed drainage system
The general slope of the land if from West to East.
Godavari has the largest basin among the Peninsular rivers.
Which of the given statements is correct?
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1,2 and 3
Answer : D
Explanation:- Most of the rivers of the Deccan trap (lava) region of Peninsular India are superimposed because new drainage system was evolved on the new surface formed due to cooling and solidification of lavas erupted during late Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods and these rivers were superimposed on the lower formation after the removal of lava covers.
7. Consider the following statements regarding Monsoon forecasting in India:
The National Monsoon Mission has put in place a dynamical coupled ocean-atmospheric model framework instead of a statistical model for forecasting.
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology gives out detailed forecasts for rainfall to farmers during monsoons.
Which of the given statements is correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: A
Explanation:- Government has launched the National Monsoon Mission to set up a state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmospheric climate model for a) improved prediction of monsoon rainfall on extended range to seasonal time scale (16 days to one season) and b) improved prediction of temperature, rainfall and extreme weather events on short to medium range time scale (up to 15 days).
The mission is envisaged to achieve the operational implementation of the state-of-the art dynamical prediction system for more accurate monsoon rainfall prediction on all spatial and time scales over the Indian region. The improved system will help us in issuing more accurate short range forecasts (up to 3 days) and warnings for extreme weather events like heavy rainfall events, active (heavy) and break (weak) spells during the monsoon season in advance and more accurate seasonal forecasts for all-India monsoon rainfall.
The Indian Meteorological Department provides detailed forecasts for rainfall to farmers during monsoons
8. Consider the following statements:
Himalayas are young and weak mountains
Most of the east flowing rivers form big deltas before entering the Bay of Bengal
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: C
Explanation: The Himalayas along with other Peninsular mountains are young, weak and flexible in their geological structure unlike the rigid and stable Peninsular Block.
Most of the east flowing rivers form deltas before entering into the Bay of Bengal. The deltas formed by the Mahanadi, the Krishna, the Kaveri and the Godavari are important examples
9. Karewa formations are found in which region?
A. Punjab Himalayas
B. Kashmir Himalayas
C. Himachal Himalayas
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Karewas are the thick deposits of glacial clay and other materials embedded with moraines. The Kashmir Himalayas are also famous for Karewa formations, which are useful for the cultivation of Zafran, a local variety of saffron.
10. With reference to the differences between Himalayan and Peninsular rivers, consider the following statements:
Himalayan rivers have dendritic drainage pattern, while, peninsular rivers have trellis, radial and rectangular patterns
Peninsular rivers have large basins as compared to Himalayan rivers
Peninsular rivers are perennial in nature, while, Himalayan rivers are seasonal
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 1 and 2 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: B
11. Purvanchal range is made up of which of the following hills?
Patkai Hills
Manipur Hills
Mizo Hills
Naga Hills
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
A. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 2, 3 and 4 only
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: D
Explanation: The Purvanchal range includes the hill ranges of the Patkai, Barail range, Manipur, Mizoram Mizo, and Naga Hills.
12. Consider the following statements
Eastern coast of India is an emergent coast
Emergent coast are characterized by estuaries and deep natural ports
Choose the correct answer from the following code
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: As compared to the western coastal plain, the eastern coastal plain is broader and is an example of an emergent coast. There are well developed deltas here, formed by the rivers flowing eastward in to the Bay of Bengal. These include the deltas of the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri. Because of its emergent nature, it has less number of ports and harbors. The continental shelf extends up to 500 km into the sea, which makes it difficult for the development of good ports and harbors.
13. In India, which type of forest among the following occupies the largest area?
A. Montane Wet Temperate Forest
B. Sub-tropical Dry Evergreen Forest
C. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
D. Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest
Answer: C
14. When you Travel in Himalayas, you will see the following:
Deep gorges
U-turn river courses
Parallel mountain ranges
Steep gradients causing land-sliding
Which of the above can be said to be the evidences for Himalayas being young fold Mountains?
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 4 only
C. 3 and 4 only
D. All of the above
Answer : D
15. What is the correct order of Mountains from East to West?
A. Garo Hills, Jaintia Hills, Naga Hills, Khasi Hills
B. Garo Hills, Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills, Naga Hills
C. Jaintia Hills, Garo Hills, Khasi Hills, Naga Hills
D. Jaintia Hills, Garo Hills, Naga Hills, Khasi Hills
Answer: B