Bharatavani Project (BvP)
What is Bharatavani? What is the philosophy behind the project?
- Bharatavani is a project with
- an objective of delivering knowledge
- in and about all the languages in India
- using multimedia (i.e., text, audio, video, images) formats through a portal (website).
- This portal would be all inclusive, interactive, dynamic and moderated.
- The idea is to make India a Open Knowledge Society, in the era of Digital India.
Bharatavani will work on the following tasks
- Documentation of languages and literatures in digital/electronic format.
- Formulating / designing scripts, typography codes.
- Preparation of dictionaries and glossaries.
- Translation of literary (both written and oral) and knowledge texts in modern and classical languages.
- Online language teaching, learning and language teacher training with certification shall be provided, and also, online language testing and evaluation which would include continuous, comprehensive evaluation would also be taken care of.
- Bharatavani will also provide a platform to showcase all the available, updated IT tools for Indian Languages. It will coordinate with the Ministry of Communication and IT (MCIT), which is developing such tools through its agencies like TDIL. Language tools such as fonts, software, typing tools, mobile apps, multi language translation tools, text to speech, speech to text etc. will be made available.
- Bharatavani will come out with a priority topic list for developing knowledge content for the first and second years of its operations.
- Thereafter, it will have specific content generation targets for each language/mother tongue for the next five years.
- Initially, it will strive to publish all the readily available content in different languages.
What are the benefits of Bharatavani to the society at large?
- Bharatavani will make Indian languages/mother tongues visible on the Internet on a large scale, resulting in encouraging young generation to use their languages/mother tongues in all their online activities like blogging, social media, learning etc.
- Bharatavani will provide endangered, minor, minority and tribal languages/mother tongue a prominent place in the cyber space.
- By covering almost all Indian languages/mother tongue, Bharatavani will invariably connect with all the communities of India, reaching remote areas and promote cultural awareness and understanding
Which are the languages included in Bharatavani as of now?
- In the first year, 22 Scheduled languages (Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Maithili, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Santali, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu) will be covered. Thereafter, other languages will be covered in a phased manner.