Daily Current Affair Quiz: 11th April 2020
1. Which of the following statements are true?
1. NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries.
2. Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) is a designation given by the United States government to close allies that have strategic working relationships with the US Armed Forces but are not members of the NATO.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- It is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries. It implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. It constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party.
- NATO’s defence commitments overseas have evolved from fighting Communism to Islamist extremism, with its involvement in conflicts like Kosovo, Afghanistan, Mediterranean waters and Iraq, especially after 9/11.
- Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) is a designation given by the United States government to close allies that have strategic working relationships with the US Armed Forces but are not members of the NATO.
2. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is released by
(a) OPIM and UNDP
(b) OPIM and OECD
(c) OXFAM and IMF
(d) OXFAM and WEF
Ans: a
- It was developed in 2010 by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
- The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an international measure of acute multidimensional poverty covering over 100 developing countries.
3. Which of the following statements are true?
1. Disinvestment refers to the government selling or liquidating its assets or stakes in PSE (public sector enterprise).
2. The Department for investment and public asset management (DIPAM) under Ministry of finance is the nodal agency for disinvestment.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- Disinvestment refers to the government selling or liquidating its assets or stakes in PSE (public sector enterprise).
- The Department for investment and public asset management (DIPAM) under Ministry of finance is the nodal agency for disinvestment.
4. Which of the following statement/s is/are true.
1. India is home to 80 per cent of global tiger population.
2. The tigers are an “umbrella” species.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- The largest populations of Bengal tigers are in India, but there are some smaller groups in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. It may also be present in areas of China and Burma.
- India is home to 80 per cent of global tiger population.
- Bengal tiger habitats usually are tropical rainforests, marshes, and tall grasses. The tigers are an “umbrella” species as by rescuing them, we save everything beneath their ecological umbrella – everything connected to them.
- Conservation status of Tiger o IUCN Red List: Endangered o Wild life protection Act : Schedule 1 o CITES: Appendix 1
5. TX2 programme is being implemented by
(a) WWF
(b) IUCN
(c) UNEP
(d) IPCC
Ans: a
- TX2: Its goal was to double the number of wild tigers across their geographical areas. The WWF is implementing the programme in 13 tiger range countries.