Daily Current Affair Quiz: 12th September 2019
1. Jeevan Kaushal programme is associated with?
(a) Developing Emotional and intellectual competencies in under graduate students
(b) Inculcating leadership and entrepreneurship competencies in school children
(c) Martial arts Training to women
(d) Inculcating value based subjects in school curriculum
Ans: a
- The University Grants Commission (UGC) announced the launch of a “life skills” (Jeevan Kaushal) programme in the curriculum for under-graduate courses across the country.
2. Cryodrakon Boreas is?
(a) A giant flying reptile
(b) Water dwelling micro animal
(c) Bacteria which causes sepsis
(d) Butterfly like Arthropoda in the Paleolithic era
Ans: a
- Paleontologists have identified a new species, named it ‘Cryodrakon boreas’ – a giant flying reptile.
- With a wingspan of over 10 metres, it is believed to have flown over the heads of dinosaurs.
- It could be one of the largest flying animals lived over 77 million years ago in today’s western Canada.
3. Which of the following statements are true?
1. The Bombay blood group, also called “hh”, is deficient in expressing antigen H, meaning the RBC has no antigen H.
2. The individuals with ‘Bombay blood group’ (hh) can only get blood from individuals of Bombay hh phenotype.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- Each red blood cell has antigen over its surface, which helps determine which group it belongs to.
- The Bombay blood group, also called “hh”, is deficient in expressing antigen H, meaning the RBC has no antigen H.
- For instance, in the AB blood group, both antigens A and B are found.
- A will have A antigens, B will have B antigens.
- In hh, there are no A or B antigens.
- The individuals with ‘Bombay blood group’ (hh) can only get blood from individuals of Bombay hh phenotype.
- In contrast, hh blood group can donate their blood to A,B,O blood types.
4. Balti Beda, Bot (or Boto), Brokpa (or Drokpa, Dard, Shin), Changpa, Garra, Mon and Purigpa tribes are the inhabitants of?
(a) Odisha
(b) Tamilnadu
(c) Ladakh
(d) Gujarat
Ans: c
- It is estimated that more than 90% of Ladakh’s population is tribal. The primary Scheduled Tribes (STs) in Ladakh are Balti Beda, Bot (or Boto), Brokpa (or Drokpa, Dard, Shin), Changpa, Garra, Mon and Purigpa.
- Thereby several distinct cultural heritages of these communities in Ladakh region needs to be preserved and promoted.
5. The Sixth Schedule to the Constitution is associated with?
(a) The tribal areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram
(b) Control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes except Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram
(c) Protective umbrella” to land reforms laws to save them from being challenged in courts
(d) Anti-Defection Law
Ans: a
- The tribal areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram are separately dealt with and provisions for their administration are to be found in the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution. Salient provisions: The governor is empowered to organise and re-organise the autonomous districts.