Daily Current Affair Quiz: 3rd October 2019
1. Which of the following statements are true?
1. Ayushman Bharat is the world’s largest health insurance/ assurance scheme fully financed by the government.
2. It provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- Key Features Ayushman Bharat:
- The world’s largest health insurance/ assurance scheme fully financed by the government.
- It provides cover of 5 lakhs per family per year, for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public and private empaneled hospitals in India.
- Coverage: Over 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable entitled families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries) are eligible for these benefits.
- Provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service.
2. Which among the following statements is incorrect with respect to Central Vigilance Commission?
(a) The CVC was set up by the Government on the recommendations of the Committee on Prevention of Corruption, headed by Shri K. Santhanam.
(b) The CVC is not controlled by any Ministry/Department.
(c) It is only responsible to the President.
(d) It is not an investigating agency.
Ans: c
- The CVC was set up by the Government in February, 1964 on the recommendations of the Committee on Prevention of Corruption, headed by Shri K. Santhanam. In 2003, the Parliament enacted CVC Act conferring statutory status on the CVC.
- The CVC is not controlled by any Ministry/Department. It is an independent body which is only responsible to the Parliament.
- It is not an investigating agency. The CVC either gets the investigation done through the CBI or through chief vigilance officers (CVO) in government offices.
- It is empowered to inquire into offences alleged to have been committed under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 by certain categories of public servants.
3. Which of the following statements are true?
1. Advance Pricing Agreement is an agreement between a taxpayer and the tax authority determining the Transfer Pricing methodology for pricing the tax payer’s international transactions for future years.
2. An APA provides certainty with respect to the tax outcome of the tax payer’s international transactions.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
- The Finance Act, 2012, inserted sections 92CC and 92 CD in the ITA to provide the legal basis for APA in India.
- An APA can be one of the three types – unilateral, bilateral and multilateral:
4. Repurpose Used Cooking Oil) initiative is initiated by?
(a) Food and Agricultural Organisaton
(b) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(c) The Energy and Resources Institute
(d) National Institute of Food Technology
Ans: b
- Launched by FSSAI.
- The initiative will enable collection and conversion of used cooking oil to bio-diesel.
- FSSAI wants businesses using more than 100 litres of oil for frying, to maintain a stock register and ensure that UCO is handed over to only registered collecting agencies.
5. Drone Innovators Network Summit is organised by?
(a) World Economic Forum
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) World Bank
(d) UNDP
Ans: a
- Drone Innovators Network Summit-2019 is being held in New Delhi.
- Organised by the World Economic Forum under the aegis of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.