Daily Quiz: 4th April 2019
1. The Cartosat series of satellites are associated with?
(a) Remote sensing
(b) Weather forecasting
(c) Navigation
(d) Communication
2. MODIS can be used for?
a. Detecting wild fire
b. Changes in the Pacific phytoplankton populations
c. Measuring the photosynthetic activity
d. All of the above
3. Which of the following statements are true?
1. EMISAT – Electro-Magnetic Imagining Satellite, will intercept radar signals and detect the kind of radar and its location.
2. Microsat R -Microsat-R is an earth observing satellite manufactured for military use.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Taanka is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique indigenous to?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Odisha
(c) Mizoram
(d) Tamil Nadu
5. Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) is related to?
(a) Welfare of people affected by mining related operations
(b) Maintenance of cultural heritages through CSR contributions
(c) Higher education for ST students using MPLAD Fund
(d) Promotion of zero budget farming
1. Ans: a
RISAT – Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT) is a series of all-weather earth observation satellites.
GISAT – GEO Imaging Satellite or GISAT is a planned Indian geo-imaging satellite for providing images quickly during disasters.
GSAT – The GSAT satellites are India’s indigenously developed communications satellites, used for digital audio, data and video broadcasting.
IRNSS -Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, with an operational name of NAVIC, is an autonomous regional satellite navigation system that provides accurate real-time positioning and timing services.
CARTOSAT -The Cartosat series is a part of the Indian Remote Sensing Programme.
2. Ans: d
MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is one of the NASA’s Terra Instruments which collects data about the Earth’s bio-geochemical and energy systems using five sensors that observe the atmosphere, land surface, oceans, snow and ice, and energy budget.
MODIS is ideal for monitoring large-scale changes in the biosphere that are yielding new insights into the workings of the global carbon cycle.
MODIS measures the photosynthetic activity of land and marine plants (phytoplankton) to yield better estimates of how much of the greenhouse gas is being absorbed and used in plant productivity.
MODIS’ bands are particularly sensitive to fires; they can distinguish flaming from smoldering burns and provide better estimates of the amounts of aerosols and gases fires release into the atmosphere.
Due to this feature Forest Survey of India uses MODIS for detecting forest fires in India.
MODIS also sees changes in the Pacific phytoplankton populations that may signal the onset of the famous El Niño/La Niña climatic siblings well ahead of their arrival.
3. Ans: c
4. Ans: a
Taanka is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique indigenous to the Thar desert region of Rajasthan. A Taanka is a cylindrical paved underground pit into which rainwater from rooftops, courtyards or artificially prepared catchments flows.
5. Ans: a
The scheme is intended to for the welfare of areas and people affected by mining related operations, using the funds generated by District Mineral Foundations (DMFs).