Daily Quiz: 7th May 2019
1. Which of the following statements are true:
1. Aditya- L1 mission is India’s first solar mission which will study the sun’s outer most layers, the corona and the chromospheres and collect data about coronal mass ejection, which will also yield information for space weather prediction.
2. The data from Aditya mission will be immensely helpful in discriminating between different models for the origin of solar storms and also for constraining how the storms evolve and what path they take through the interplanetary space from the Sun to the Earth.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
- The Indian Space Research Organization is planning to launch Aditya- L1 mission to study the sun early in 2020.
- Aditya- L1 mission is India’s first solar mission which will study the sun’s outer most layers, the corona and the chromospheres and collect data about coronal mass ejection, which will also yield information for space weather prediction.
- The data from Aditya mission will be immensely helpful in discriminating between different models for the origin of solar storms and also for constraining how the storms evolve and what path they take through the interplanetary space from the Sun to the Earth.
- Aditya- L1 satellite will be placed in the halo orbit around the Lagrangian point 1 (L1) of the sun-earth system.
2. IMPRINT scheme is related to?
(a) Research and Innovation
(b) Green House Gas reduction
(c) Paymant Banks
(d) Philately
- IMPacting Research INnovation and Technology (IMPRINT) launched on November 5, 2015 from the Rashtrapati Bhavan. IMPRINT India was a multi-stakeholder mission programme aimed at bridging the gap between scientific knowledgebase created through fundamental and applied research and fruitful translation of the same through engineering invention and technogical innovation for the betterment of society.
3. O-Smart scheme is implemented by?
(a) Ministry of Earth Sciences
(b) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
(c) Ministry of Human Resource Development
(d) Ministry of Women and Child Development
- O-SMART scheme encompasses 16 sub-projects related to ocean development activities and science for implementation during 2017-18 and 2019-20.
- The important deliverables envisaged in the next two years include strengthening of ocean observations, modelling, ocean services for fishermen, setting up marine coastal observatories for tracking marine pollution in 2018, setting up Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant (OTEC) in Kavaratti in Lakshadweep.
- The services rendered will provide economic benefits to a number of user communities in the coastal and ocean sectors, namely, fisheries, offshore industry, coastal states, Defence, Shipping, Ports etc.
- The scheme also includes the acquisition of two coastal research vessels, the continuation of ocean survey and exploration of minerals and living resources, technology development for deep ocean mining- and setting up six desalination Plants in Lakshadweep
- It will help in reducing the search time for fishermen resulting in savings in the fuel cost.
4. Which of the following statements are true:
1. TReDS is an online electronic institutional mechanism for facilitating the financing of trade receivables of MSMEs through multiple financiers.
2. The TReDS Platform will enable discounting of invoices/bills of exchange of MSME Sellers against large Corporates including Govt. Departments and PSUs, through an auction mechanism, to ensure prompt realization of trade receivables at competitive market rates.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
- A seller has to upload the invoice on the platform. It then goes to the buyer for acceptance. Once the buyer accepts, the invoice becomes a factoring unit. The factoring unit then goes to auction. The financiers then enter their discounting (finance) rate. The seller or buyer, whoever is bearing the interest (financing) cost, gets to accept the final bid. TReDs then settle the trade by debiting the financier and paying the seller. The amount gets credited the next working day into the seller’s designated bank account through an electronic payment mode. The second leg of the settlement is when the financier makes the repayment and the amount is repaid to the financier.
5. All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey is conducted by?
(b) Ministry of Finance
(c) Ministry of rural development
(d) NITI Ayog
Answer: a
- NABARD has released the results of the All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey.
- Definition – Agricultural households were defined as those where at least one member was self-employed in agriculture in the past year, and which derived at least Rs 5,000 from agricultural produce.
- It found that the average annual income of an agricultural household was Rs 107,172 versus Rs 87,228 for non-agricultural households.
- Sources of income – Only about 48% of all rural households are agricultural and only 23% of rural income comes from agriculture.
- This reveals that rural India is no longer predominantly agricultural.
- Diversification – 88% of agricultural households diversified their sources of income.
- The most important among them was wage labour, including public works, which accounted for more than a third of the income of agricultural households.
- It provides an important source of supplementary income to farmers, especially when they consider cultivation as risky and unremunerative.