- The Indian Air Force is commencing its annual exercise, Exercise Livewire, on 31 October 2015.
- The exercise involves utilization of air assets of all types available with the IAF.
- The aim of the exercise is to validate the full spectrum of IAF capability in undertaking operations in response to likely future threats and operational contingencies, and also to exercise its latest acquisitions effectively in a network centric environment.
- Live Wire is the most ambitious of these events since it will involve the entire IAF. Exercises will be held in every command, both separately and in an integrated manner. The exercise is aimed at proving IAF’s war fighting concepts under a networked atmosphere.
- During the war game, the IAF will practice both conventional and non-conventional warfare which would including manoeuvres to carry out surgical strikes. The latest operational concepts and preparedness would be checked out.
- During such exercises, exposure is also given to the young generation of air warriors in honing their skills.
- Along with operational requirements, maintenance as well as administrative requirements would also be tested in as close to the likely real-time scenario as possible.
- Communications, net centric warfare operations and reconnaissance capabilities would be checked.
- Joint operations with Indian Army and Navy would be practised on realistic targets, so as to synergise the Op capability of all the three Services