Karnataka Current Affairs – KAS/KPSC Exams- 7th March 2019
HC quashes one-year ban imposed on advertisements
- The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday quashed the August 6, 2018 resolution of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) banning all forms of advertisements in open spaces in the city for a period of one year.
- However, the court made it clear that quashing of the resolution is ‘not to be construed so as to fetter the rights of the BBMP to initiate action against illegal advertisement, as would be permissible under the existing law as provided under the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, and the Advertisement By-laws 2006’.
- But the court yet to consider the pleas of the advertising agencies seeking a declaration that advertisement hoardings are legal and valid, and that the petitioners possessed deemed licences; to quash the BBMP’s communications that petitioner advertising agencies had violated the advertisement by-laws and that their hoardings are illegal; and for a direction to the BBMP not to dismantle or remove hoardings.
- Pointing out that implementing a new set of advertisement by-laws and transition from the current legal framework is one that must be resorted to without infringing the legal rights of the petitioners. the court observed that “it cannot be that the fundamental rights of the petitioners as well as the rights that flow from the statute and the existing advertisement by-law could be kept in abeyance till new advertisement by-laws are framed and brought into force.”
- Such action of keeping vested rights in abeyance in the transitional phase in the manner as resorted to herein by the BBMP would amount to arbitrary exercise of power, the court said
- On the question whether there could be a prohibition of advertisement as contemplated under the existing legal framework till new advertisement by-laws are brought into force, the court observed
KIA aims for 100% reliance on renewable energy by next year
- The Kempegowda International Airport (KIA), which currently meets 67% of its energy requirements through solar power, is aiming for 100% reliance on renewable energy by next year. A solar plant generating 3.5 MW of power was inaugurated. The plant has come up on eight rooftops on the premises of the airport.
- The airport has increased its consumption of solar power to over 50 MU (million units) through on-site and off-site solar power purchase agreements in a phased manner. The first phase was commissioned in 2017.
- Talking about sustainable measures taken by the airport, he said that 400 high pressure sodium vapour lamps on the air side have been replaced by LEDs. The move has helped the airport save 11.5 lakh units of electricity annually.
Integrating lakes
- The airport has sought the help of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc.) for sustainable water management.
- There is a plan to integrate five lakes in its vicinity. The largest lake is located on the north eastern part, is spread over a length of one kilometre and width of 150 metres.
- Six abandoned wells were rejuvenated, helping KIA draw 5 lakh litres every day.
Partial closure
- Speaking about the partial closure of the airport to facilitate the Aero India 2019 show, Mr. Marar said it will not cause inconvenience to air passengers. “Aero show needs partial closure of the airport for a certain number of hours. The schedule for closure was announced a long time ago. We have sat with all the airlines and rescheduling of services have already been done. We do not foresee any problem. In the previous edition of the Aero India show, there were no problems. In fact, more people travel from the airport during the show,” he said. The airport will be partially closed between February 14 and 24 for practice followed by the main show.