If you are following news on COVID ( Not politics ? ), a term usually gets into focus – ‘ GENOMIC SEQUENCING’. Let us look at it today.
?? let us tell you the defenition : ‘Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome—the order of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanines, and Thymine that make up an organism’s DNA’
(Please read the basics of DNA?)
? Ok why do we need it : Genome sequence is the unique code of genetic material of any organism, and determines the characteristic of any organism.
So this method :
>helps us understand the genetic make up of organism, which will help us fight the problems caused by that organism >help us correct deficiency in genes causing disorder in a organism.
Fine Fine Fine,? wHy are we talking about it now
? COVID-19 ?
? Let us talk more
•Whole genome sequencing is the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome at a single time.
•The gene composition of novel coronavirus, for instance, is different from that of the influenza virus. Every organism has a unique genome sequence.
•Laboratories in various countries have been isolating and sharing the genome sequences of the virus on an international platform
•When viruses multiply, or reproduce, there is a copying mechanism that transfers the gene information to the next generation.
•However, no copying mechanism is perfect. When the virus multiplies, there will be small changes, which are called mutations.
•These mutations accumulate over time, and after prolonged periods, are responsible for evolution into new organisms.
•Within a single reproduction, the changes are extremely minor. More than 95 per cent of the gene structure remains the same.
•However, the small changes that occur are crucial to understanding the nature and behaviour of the organism.
•In this case, for example, the small changes could provide scientists with information about the origin, transmission, and impact of the virus on the patient.
•It could also hold clues to the differing effects the virus could have on patients with different health parameter
? So may not be 100%, atleast for 95-98% we can fight effectively against this virus with it genomic data
? Kudos to our technology
So guys thats all for today.
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