National Current Affairs – UPSC/KAS Exams- 28th November 2018
Mekedatu project
Topic: Environment and Ecology
IN NEWS: The Tamil Nadu government objected to the Central Water Commission (CWC) giving its nod to Karnataka’s proposal for a balancing reservoir-cum-drinking water project at Mekedatu across the Cauvery.
More on the Topic:
- The dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu over the sharing of Cauvery waters is decades old. For many years, both the states have been maintaining differences over the sharing of water.
- Karnataka intends to build a reservoir across river Cauvery near Mekedatu in Kanakapura taluk. It was first proposed along with Shivanasamudra hydro power project at Shimsa in 2003 with an intention to use the water for a hydro power station and supply drinking water to Bengaluru city.
- However, Tamil Nadu objected saying Karnataka had not sought prior permission for the project. Its argument was that the project would affect the flow of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu.
Source:The Hindu
Satellite HysIS
Topic: Science and Technology
IN NEWS: HysIS, India’s first hyperspectral imaging satellite for advanced Earth observation, is slated for launch from Sriharikota.
More on the Topic:
- A hyperspectral imaging camera in space can provide well-defined images that can help to identify objects on Earth far more clearly than regular optical or remote sensing cameras.
- The technology will be an added advantage of watching over India from space for a variety of purposes such as defence, agriculture, land use, minerals and so on.
- While the ISRO coyly puts it down as another variety in remote sensing, knowledgeable sources have earlier conceded that it can be highly useful in marking out a suspect object or person and separate it from the background.
- This could aid in detecting transborder or other stealthy movements.
- The primary goal of HysIS is to study the Earth’s surface in visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Source:The Hindu
NASA Insight Mission
Topic: Science and Technology
In news: After seven months of traveling through space, the NASA InSight mission has landed on Mars. A few minutes after landing, InSight sent the official “beep” to NASA to signal that it was alive and well, including a photo of the Martian surface where it landed.
More on the Topic:
- InSight, or Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, is going to explore a part of Mars that we know the least about: its deep interior.
- InSight will spend two years investigating the interior where the building blocks below the planet’s surface recorded its history.
- InSight’s objectives are to place a seismometer, called SEIS, on the surface of Mars to measure seismic activity and provide accurate 3D models of the planet’s interior; and measure internal heat flow using a heat probe called HP3 to study Mars’ early geological evolution.
- This could bring a new understanding of the Solar System’s terrestrial planets — Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Earth’s Moon.
Source: The Hindu
Sustainable Blue Economy Conference
Topic: Economy
In news: The first Sustainable Blue Economy Conference was held in Nairobi, capital of Kenya. It was organized by Kenya and cohosted by Japan and Canada. The theme of this conference was ‘The Blue Economy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’
More on the Topic
- This conference was held on momentum of UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris and UN Ocean Conference in Paris and UN Ocean Conference 2017 ‘Call to Action. Over 17,000 plus participants from some 184 countries had participated in the conference .
- India was represented Union Minister for Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Nitin Gadkari.
- Other parties who participated in this conference are World Wildlife Fund, WWF; International Maritime Organization, IMO; International Seabed Authoriy, ISA; orld Bank; AFRIEXIMBANK; Ocean Foundation etc.
Blue economy: Prospects in Indian ocean
- Vast coastline of almost 7,500 kilometres, with no immediate coastal neighbours except for some stretches around the southern tip
- This is not possible, for instance, in the Persian Gulf region because of the proximity to trade routes and contiguous countries
- India has the advantage, helped by natural geography. For an offshore trans loading zone, the availability of calm waters during the monsoons is a problem.But this can be overcome by conducting such operations closer to the coast and seasonally, in calmer waters
- An offshore infrastructure project was successfully launched by the ministry of shipping, for transporting imported coal to the thermal power station at Farakka in West Bengal
- Such trans-shipment, out on the high seas yet within India’s economic zone at the Sand heads in the Bay of Bengal, worked out to be financially viable and environmentally friendlier, compared to traditional handling of cargo at ports
- As ship sizes become bigger, transshipment/ lighterage operations on the high seas are becoming more viable.
- India is also developing its maritime infrastructure as well as its inland waterways and coastal shipping through launch of the ambitious “Sagarmala Pgramme” which aims to revolutionize maritime logistics and port led developments in country.
- India’s national vision about this sector is clearly articulated in term “SAGAR”- Security and Growth for All in IOR which was coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti
Topic: Government Schemes
In news: Raksha Mantri has formally launched ‘Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti’. The event showcased salient inventions and innovations achieved by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) and Ordnance Factories (OFs) which have resulted in successful filing of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) applications.
More on the Topic:
- As part of the ongoing initiatives to enhance self-reliance in defence, the Department of Defence Production has instituted a new framework titled ‘Mission Raksha GyanShakti’ which aims to provide a boost to the IPR culture in indigenous defence industry.
- The Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) has been entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating and implementing the programme.
- The event brought out that the end objective of ‘Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti’ is to inculcate IP culture in Indian defence manufacturing ecosystem.
- The Intellectual Property Right has emerged as a key ingredient of an ecosystem which stimulates innovation and ingenuity.
- An IP Facilitation Cell was established in April 2018, which has worked tirelessly to achieve ambitious targets of training 10,000 personnel of OFB and DPSUs on IPR and facilitate filing of at least 1,000 new IPR applications.
Source:The Hindu
‘Logix India 2019’
Topic: Indian Economy
In news:Union Minister of Commerce and Industry and Civil Aviation, launched the logo and brochure of ‘Logix India 2019’.Logix India will enable effective international trade logistics and help provide efficient and cost-effective flow of goods on which other commercial sectors.ustralian Scientists have recently found the world’s oldest figurative art in a cave in Indonesia.
More on the Topic:
- Logix India 2019 is scheduled to take place in New Delhi from January 31 to February 2, 2019.
- This mega logistics event will be organised by the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) as a major initiative to improve logistics cost effectiveness and operational efficiencies for India.
- FIEO will focus on investment opportunities in infrastructure development, warehouse consolidation, technology integration, and skilling of manpower.
- Over 20 countries are sending delegations to explore logistics partnerships with India and FIEO is focusing on logistical solutions for difficult to reach markets.
- Over 100 international delegates are expected to attend Logix India 2019.
Need for integrated Logistics sector development in India
- Considering the need for India to have more robust trade relations with countries in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, Middle East and ASEAN, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry is working on an integrated logistics strategy.
- The need for integrated Logistics sector development has also been felt for in view of the fact that the logistics cost in India is very high compared to developed countries.
- High logistics cost reduces the competitiveness of Indian goods both in domestic as well as export market.
- Logistics is the backbone of EXIM trade and creates business opportunities and employment. Logistics sector is expected to grow to USD 360 billion by 2032 from the current USD 115 billion.
Surce: PIB