National Current Affairs – UPSC/KAS Exams- 3rd August 2018
Seva Bhoj Yojna
Why in news?
Union Ministry of Culture has launched- ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’– a scheme to reimburse central share of CGST and IGST on food, prasad, langar or bhandara offered by religious and charitable institutions.
About Seva Bhoj Yojana
- The scheme seeks to reimburse the central government’s share of Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) and Integrated Goods and Service Tax (IGST) on purchase of raw items such as ghee, edible oil, atta, maida, rava, flour, rice pulses, sugar and jaggery, which go into preparation of food/prasad/langar/bhandara offered free of cost by religious institutions.
- The main objective of the scheme is to lessen the financial burden of such charitable religious institutions, which provide free of cost without any discrimination to the general public
- The charitable religious institutions including temples, gurudwara, mosque, church, dharmik ashram, dargah, monasteries, which fulfill the following criteria are eligible for the grant
- The institutions that have been in existence for at least five years before applying for financial assistance/grant.
- The institutions that serve free food to at least 5000 people in a month.
- The institutions covered under Section 10( 23BBA) of the Income Tax Act or those registered as Society under Societies Registration Act ( XXI of 1860) or as a Public Trust under any law for the time being in force of statuary religious bodies constituted under any Act or institutions registered under Section 12AA of Income Tax Act.
Adultery law
Why in news?
A five-judge Constitution bench headed by CJI Dipak Misra made the observation while hearing a case challenging the validity of the penal law which makes adultery an offence punishable only for the male and not the consenting women.
What is Adultery law
Adultery means voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person other than with spouse. While at many places adultery is when a woman has voluntary sexual intercourse with a person other than her husband, at other places adultery is when a woman has voluntary sexual intercourse with a third person without her husband’s consent.
Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
- In India the offence of adultery is punishable under Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860. As it stands, this Section makes only men having sexual intercourse with the wives of other men without the consent of their husbands punishable and women cannot be punished even as abettors.
- The Report of the Malimath Committee on Criminal Justice Reforms and the 42nd Report of the Law Commission of India recommended redefining Section 497 to make women also punishable for adultery.
- Section 497 penalizes sexual intercourse of a man with a married woman without the consent of her husband when such sexual intercourse does not amount to rape. He is punishable with imprisonment of up to five years.
- That is, it draws a distinction between consent given by a married woman without her husband’s consent and a consent given by an unmarried woman.
- It does not penalize the sexual intercourse of a married man with an unmarried woman or a widow or even a married woman when her husband consents to it.
- In case the offence of adultery is committed, the husband cannot prosecute his unfaithful wife but can only prosecute her adulterer.
- The section itself expressly states the unfaithful wife cannot be punished even as an abettor to the crime.
- The offence of adultery therefore is an offence committed against the husband of the wife and not against the wife.
- The Constitutionality of Section 497 was challenged before the Supreme Court under Article 14 on the grounds that it makes an arbitrary discrimination based on sex.
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB)
Why in news?
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for restructuring of Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB).
- The ASRB will now be a 4 Member body instead of 3 Members. It will have a Chairperson and 3 Members.
- ASRB would be for a period of three years or till attainment of 65 years of age, whichever is earlier.
- For the purpose of autonomy, secrecy, accountability and efficient functioning ASRB shall be delinked from ICAR and to be attached with Deptt. of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE) under Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare.
- The budget head for ASRB may also be delinked from ICAR and be created under DARE, and the ASRB may have its own cadre of administrative staff in the secretariat and have independent administrative control.
- The four Member body comprising of one Chairperson and three Members would help in expediting the work and functioning of ASRB.
- It would support in expediting the recruitment process which would be beneficial for the agrarian community and agriculture at large.
- Moreover, it will ensure more transparency and efficiency in recruitment of meritorious scientists to various scientific positions in lCAR, the premier agency for agricultural research and education in the country.
Exploration and Exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons
Why in news?
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the policy to permit exploration and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons such as Shale oil/gas, Coal Bed Methane (CBM) etc.
It will be carried out under the existing Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs), CBM contracts and Nomination fields to encourage the existing Contractors in the licensed/leased area to unlock the potential of unconventional hydrocarbons in the existing acreages.
- It will enable the realization of prospective hydrocarbon reserves in the existing Contract Areas which otherwise would remain unexplored and unexploited.
- With this policy dispensation, new investment in Exploration and Production (E&P) activities and chances of finding new hydrocarbon discoveries and resultant increased domestic production thereof is expected.
- Exploration and exploitation of additional hydrocarbon resources is expected to spur new investment, impetus to economic activities, additional employment generation and thus benefitting various sections of society.
- This will lead to induction of new, innovative and cutting-edge technology and forging new technological collaboration to exploit unconventional hydrocarbons.
Aadi Perukku
Why in news?
Aadi Perukku is celebrated for the birth of the Tamil month of Aadi. This is the beginning of all the festivals during the festival seasons.
About fetival
- During the month of Thai and Aadi the sun changes directions so it is celebrated Aadi Perukku festival celebrated in Tamilnaduin that way.
- It is celebrated in a special way in temples like MangaduKamakshi Temple.In Aadi every friday is celebrated as “Aadivelli”.
- The new moon day of this month is celebrated as “AadiAmavasai” which is to remember our ancestors who have reached heavens.
- The first day of this month is celebrated as Aadipandigai or Aadipirappu, which is an important festival to most tamils, especially newly-weds.
- Traditionally, the newly wedded couple is invited to the girl’s house and the couple is gifted with new clothes and other presents.
- The 18th day of Aadi is observed as ‘ Aadiperukku’, a day of offerings and prayers to the water bodies like rivers and lakes.