Tagged: KPSC exam

National Tribal Carnival 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated First National Tribal Carnival-2016 in New Delhi on 25th Oct The tribal carnival would showcase the capabilities of the tribal communities, in the national capital. The Prime Minister said...

Internet of things

Internet of Things India Congress Why in News: The first edition of ‘IoT India Congress, 2016’ was in Bengaluru.


INSAT-3DR Why in News: In its tenth flight (GSLV-F05) conducted recently, India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, equipped with the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS), successfully launched the country’s weather satellite INSAT-3DR, into a Geosynchronous...

Marital rape – Need to be criminalised?

Criminalise marital rape: UNDP chief Recently Minister for Women and Child Welfare Maneka Gandhi submitted in Parliament that the government wouldn’t criminalise “marital rape,”. She said that the “concept of marital rape, as understood internationally, cannot...