UPSC ANTHROPOLOGY Mains 2019 Question Paper – 2
1. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each
- a) Phylogenetic position and morphological features of Ramapithecus 10
- b) Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal community 10
- c) Distribution of Tibet-Burman group of language in India. 10
- d) Use of doctrine of Karma and Rebirth in justifying the Varna system. 10
- e) The Jagmani system and contemporary market economy. 10
2.a) Describe the Palaeolithic culture with special reference of Soanian tradition. Indicate the problems of describing the Indian Palaeolithic. 15+5=20
2.b) What has been the contribution of tribal people to the Indian Independence movement? 15
2.c) Describe the impact of Buddhism on the tribal population of India. 15
3.a) What kind of society may be reconstructed from the archaeological evidences of Harappan culture? 20
3.b) Describe the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages. 15
3.c) Critically assess the existing plan and programmes meant for tribal welfare 15
4.a) Give an account of the contribution of Iravati Karve and G.S Guha to the analysis of race and caste in India. 10+10=20
4.b) What has been the impact of development projects on the environment and livelihood of forest-dwelling tribes. 15
4.c) Identify some special programmes for particularly vulnerable Tribal Groups (erstwhile PTGs) 15
5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each
5.a) Ethnicity and regionalism 10
5.b) Panchayati Raj as facilitator of social inclusion in rural society. 10
5.c) Anthropological understanding of communalism 10
5.d) Issues relating to tribal education 10
5.e) Distribution o Neolithic sites in India 10
6.a) Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India 20
6.b) Critically discuss the role of (NGOs) in tribal development.15
6.c) Describe the impact of industrialization of the economic and social aspects of India’s villages. 15
7.a) Discuss how the elements of Little and Great Traditions combine in the emergence of social political/religious movements, giving any one example to illustrate the issue. 20
7.b) Write about the role of colonial administration in the development of Anthropology in India. 15
7.c) What are the salient issues faced by pastoral communities in India? Discuss with suitable examples. 15
8.a) Discuss with appropriate examples how tribal unrest may be understood as emerging out of an incompatibility between tribes and the nation-state. 20
8.b) What has been the impact of non-Hindu religious on the emancipation of Schedule Castes in India? 15
8.c) What are the constitutional safeguards to protect the interests of the Indian tribes? 15