UPSC ANTHROPOLOGY Mains 2019 Question Paper – 1
Q1. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each:
- The relationship between Linguistics and Social – Cultural Anthropology (10 Marks)
- Cultural Relativism (10 Marks)
- Pastoralism in India (10 Marks)
- Cultural Materialism (10 Marks)
- Relative Dating Methods (10 Marks)
- a) Discuss the evolutionary significance of bipedalism and erect posture. (20 Marks)
- b) How did Radcliffe-Brown and Levi-Strauss study kinship in terms of social structure? (15 Marks)
- c) Elucidate Mesolithic culture and associated rock art with examples from India. (15 Marks)
- Discuss social stratification according to any three major approaches. (20 Marks)
- “Europeans are closer to Neanderthals.” Critically discuss in view of African origin of humankind. (15 Marks)
- Discuss briefly the major traditions in the Upper Palaeolithic culture of Europe. (15 Marks)
- With the reference to somatoscopic and morphometric characteristics commonly used for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether “Race” is a valid concept. (20 Marks)
- Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion. (15 Marks)
- Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphism. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from human populations. (15 Marks)
Q5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:
- Adaptive primate radiation (10 Marks)
- Implications of mutation in evolution (10 Marks)
- Olduvai Gorge (10 Marks)
- Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction (10 Marks)
- Genetico-environmental factors affecting human growth. (10 Marks)
- Examine critically the contributions of Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz. (20 Marks)
- “Human adaptations are always bio-cultural in nature.” Discuss with reference to human adaptation to high-altitude climate. (15 Marks)
- Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits. (15 Marks)
- Discuss how indigenous people encounter globalization. (20 Marks)
- “Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life. “Discuss in light of recent advances in molecular anthropology. (15 Marks)
- Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge. (15 Marks)
- Discuss with examples the Megalithic culture of India in the archaeological context. (20 Marks)
- Discuss the bio-cultural factors influencing fertility in light of the relationship between fecundity and fertility. (15 Marks)
- Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies. (15 Marks)